Hello ALL,
ALL Caddo high schools are using a new platform for volunteer hours called LetServe. According to the website, LetServe allows you to increase your volunteer pool and participation. It functions as a marketing tool to create special events and broadcast to hundreds of potential volunteers. The paperless approval process is efficient and hassle free, tracks the total volunteer hours and quantifies the economic impact on the community. You were sent an EMAIL with your USERNAME and PASSWORD that you MUST use in order to keep up with your community service hours. Please go back and look for this email. If you cannot find it, follow the directions below to get your username and password again. Attached to this email are also the directions on how to log your OWN HOURS. As with anything else, make sure you keep a record of everything you do!
THIS IS HOW COMMUNITY HOURS WILL BE LOGGED IN FROM NOW ON! If you have any questions or concerns, please see Mrs. Robinson!