Louisiana: Mapped ArcGIS Online US School Competition 2023 Who: Esri is the world’s leader in the field of Geographic Information Systems (GIS). They meld maps with data to visualize the world in smarter ways, revealing patterns and relationships that may otherwise go unnoticed. What: Across the U.S., high school and middle school students are exploring their world and creating interesting map products with ESRI’s professional-level software, ArcGIS Online. ESRI now challenges students to create and share maps about something in their home states. The ArcGIS Online US School Competition 2023 is open to high school (gr.9-12) and middle school (gr.4-8) students in the U.S. who can analyze, interpret, and present data via an ArcGIS Online presentation, web app, or story map. When: Contest is currently open for submissions. Contest Closes April 28, 2023. Awards: ESRI offers grants to states supporting ten equal prizes of $100 for the five best high school and five best middle school projects in the state. Schools can submit up to five projects to the state, and participating states submit to ESRI the ten awardees (5-HS and 5-MS), with one project each at high school and middle school tagged for a final level of competition. For more information: https://bit.ly/2023INFO To Register: https://bit.ly/2023REGISTER
Also Kevin Reeve is a GIS analyst and a Magnet parent and uses ESRI software to make maps daily and I would like to offer his services and/or knowledge if needed. He is available to help in any way. kevinreeves@nlcog.org or 318-453-5986